This application is used for adding the Rubix iO-16 as a wireless LoRa device.
Step 1: Ensure the 'driver-lora' app has been downloaded, installed and is running on the device.
Step 2: Go into the device level of the Rubix Compute controller and click the 'create' button to select and download and install the relevant network. Follow the wizard to continue installing the network.
Step 3: Select the Modbus Serial network.
Step 4: Give the network a desired name and description. This will automatically download the required modules.
Step 5: After the network is created, click the notepad button to edit the network settings.
Step 6: Use the following default settings to set the modbus network communicate to the wireless IO16 module. Click the 'Restart Network' button to ensure the settings have taken.
Step 7: Click the arrow to enter the network button.
Step 8: Click the 'create' button to add a new device. The default settings are shown below.
Give the device and name, description, check the comm settings and ensure you have the right 'address id' entered.
Note: The '
address id' field is the device address of your iO16 module, set via the on board dip switches. Ensure that device is also set to wireless mode. Click
here to refer to the dip switch settings on the controller.
For the device settings you can set the default poll settings for 'fast', 'normal' and 'slow' or leave them as default.
Click save to continue.
Step 9: Click the arrow button on the newly created io-16 device to start adding the iO points.
Note: We will be referring to
this modbus table to set up each of the inputs and outputs.
Step 10: Click the 'create' button to add singular modbus points or the 'Create Bulk' button to add multiple points.
Creating a singular modbus point
Creating multiple points (enter in number of points you wish to add)
The example below shows 2 x UI's and 2 x UO's set up with the modbus points.
Writing to Points
Once you have created the points, you can read / write to output points by clicking on the orange edit button and entering the desired value.
Write the value into the priority array, with 1 being the highest priority and 16 being the lowest priority.
Click 'send' to apply.
Note: For a digital point, '0' represents 'off', '1' represents 'on'
Integrating points into Rubix-Edge-Wires
To further engineer these points or to combine the points with other different communication protocols, follow the instructions
here on how to integrate the points via Rubix-Edge-Wires.