Select Switches
There are several physical onboard switches that must be configured correctly for proper communication and functionality. These switches are located under the front cover of the Rubix iO Module. To remove the front cover, use a flat blade screwdriver to gently pry the cover off at the cover join line.There are several switches under the cover of the Nube-iO iO Module that are used to set the Input (UI) and Output (UO) type configurations.
Input Type Select SwitchesOutput Type Select Switches
Operation Mode
This setting configures the Operation Mode of the Rubix IO Module.
- When using a wired RS485 Modbus network the IO Module should be configured to RS485 Wired Mode.
- When using Wireless Modbus over LoRa, the IO Module should be configured to LoRa Wireless Mode (LoRa wireless is only available on LR type IO Modules).
- When using the IO Module as a wireless Modbus Passthrough (to extend to a wired 3rd party Modbus device via LoRa wireless), the IO Module should be configured to RS485 -> LoRa Passthrough Mode (LoRa wireless is only available on LR type IO Modules).
Device ID/Address
A Modbus Device ID/Address is assigned to each device on the (RS485) network. Each device on the network must have a unique ID/Address; duplicate addresses may cause issues for communication with these devices.The Modbus Device ID/Address on the Rubix IO Modules is set using DIP Switches 1-7 on the Left DIP Switch Bank. See table below for more information.
Baud Rate
The Baud Rate is the speed that the Modbus RS485 network communicates at. All devices on the same modbus network must be configured to the same Baud Rate. The Rubix IO Modules supports 3 Baud Rates (9600, 19200, and 38400).The Baud Rate on the Rubix IO Modules is set using DIP Switches 3-5 on the Right DIP Switch Bank. See table below for more information.
Parity is a communication parameter that must be consistent on all devices on a Modbus network. The Parity on the Rubix iO Modules is set using DIP Switches 6-7 on the Right DIP Switch Bank. See table below for more information.
DIP Switch Settings
The Left Bank of DIP Switches (labeled SW2) is used to set the address of the IO Module. The value is set as a binary number (lowest digit is DIP 1) minus 1.See table below for reference. 1 is DIP switch UP, and 0 is DIP switch DOWN.Note: DIP switch 8 must remain ON/UP/1 for normal operation.Use an online binary calculator such as this to work out dip switch addressing. The value is set as a binary number (lowest digit is DIP 1) minus 1, and is read backwards. See example below
Modbus Addressing Example:To set the Rubix iO-16 to a Modbus address of 7 using the binary calculator, we first select the 'subtract' operation and minus 1 value. The result gives us '110'. The last value of the result is DIP switch 1 setting (0/down), the middle value of the result is DIP switch 2 value (1/up), and the first value of the result is DIP switch 3 value (1/up). DIP Switches 4 to 7 will be set to 0/down.The dip switch setting for address 7 on the Rubix iO-16 (from 1 to 7) will therefore be 0110000 (down, up, up, down, down, down, down).
Left Bank [1-7] Switch Address 00000001 1000000 2 01000003 1100000 4 0010000 5 1010000 6 0110000 7 1110000 8 0001000 9 1001000 10... ... 1111110 64. 1111111 128
The Right Bank of DIP Switches (labeled SW1) is used to configure various functions of the IO Module.See the table below for reference. 1 is DIP switch UP, and 0 is DIP switch DOWN.Note: DIP switch 8 must remain ON/UP/1 for normal operation.
Right Bank [1-2] Switch Operation 00 RS485 10 LoRa Wireless Mode 01 Modbus Passthrough 11 Factory Reset
Right Bank [3-5] Switch Baud Rate 000 38400 100 9600010 19200
Right Bank [6-7] Switch Parity 00 None 10 Even 01Odd
Connection Type | Port Selection |
Wired | /dev/ttyAMA0 |
Wireless | /data/socat/serialBridge1 |