Adding Nodes from the Context Menu
Right clicking on the Editor Pane opens the Context Menu. By clicking ‘Add’ you will see a list of all the available node groups. Clicking a group will show the nodes available in that group. Clicking a node will add it to the Editor Pane.
Adding Nodes from the Node Palette
The Node Palette shows the node groups. Clicking a node group will expand that group, showing the available nodes. Dragging a node from the Node Palette to the Editor Pane will add it to the Editor Pane.Node Palette Search
To find nodes more easily in the Node Palette, a search feature is located at the top of the Node Palette. Typing in the ‘search’ bar will filter the nodes shown in the Node Palette to only those which match the search terms.Cloning nodes
Nodes can be cloned (duplicated) by selecting ‘Clone’ from the nodes context menu. To clone multiple nodes, hold the shift key and select(click) the desired nodes to be cloned; An outline will appear around the selected nodes. Once the nodes are selected, pick ‘Clone’ from the context menu of any of the selected nodes.
To remove a node from the Editor Pane, select ‘Remove’ from the context menu of the node to be deleted. Alternatively you can select (click) the node to be removed and press the ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard.
To remove multiple nodes, hold the shift key and select(click) the desired nodes to be removed; An outline will appear around the selected nodes. Once selected either press the delete key on the keyboard or select ‘Remove’ from the context menu of any of the selected nodes.
Each node on the Editor Pane has settings that are used to configure its function or labelling. Settings are configured and saved for each individual node.
Node Settings Sidebar
To view a node’s settings, select ‘Settings’ from the context menu of the desired node. This will show the Settings Sidebar on the right of the Editor Pane. Settings values can be changed and will take effect once the ‘save’ button is clicked.Locking the Node Settings Sidebar View
By default the Settings Sidebar will only be shown when required. However by clicking the padlock button (at the top of the Settings Sidebar), the Settings Sidebar can be locked in place. Selecting(clicking) a new node in the Editor Pane will change the Settings Sidebar to display the settings for the selected node. PLEASE NOTE: settings will not be saved unless the ‘save’ button is clicked before clicking on a different node.Importing/Exporting Settings
Settings can be copied from one node, and imported to another. To do this, click the ⋮ button (at the top right of the Settings Sidebar); then click ‘Copy Settings’. Once the node settings configuration is copied it can be imported into another node of the same type.
Full node descriptions, including diagrams and examples, please see Rubix Wires: Nodes Reference Guide. Links to node descriptions can be found, within Wires, by selecting ‘Help’ from the context menu of each node; or by clicking the button from the Settings Sidebar.
Nodes have different inputs and outputs based on the specific function they perform. Many nodes have settings which will change the available inputs and outputs.Node Inputs
Node inputs provide values to be used in computing the node’s outputs. Wire links can be connected to the left hand side of node input slots. The image below shows the 4 inputs of a ‘min-on-off’ node.Node Inputs from Settings
Some nodes have inputs with values that can be set from the Settings Sidebar. These inputs, which are shown in square brackets [ ], will use the value from settings when there is no value wired into the input slot. For example, [minOn] or [minOff] in the images above and below).When a value is wired into the input slot, the value from Settings will be overridden.Variable Input Counts
Many nodes have a setting which will create/remove node inputs.Node Outputs
Node outputs are the results of a nodes specific function. Wire links can be connected from the right hand side of node output slots. The image below shows the 1 output of a ‘min-on-off’ node.
Node Names
Each node can have its name set from settings. This can help to identify each node to the user.Node Width
A node’s width can be adjusted by dragging the bottom right corner left or right.Node Collapse
Nodes can be collapsed by selecting ‘Collapse’ from the context menu, or by clicking the dot in the top left corner of the node. If a node has wire links, they will still be shown from the collapsed node, but inputs and outputs will not be shown.
Collapsed nodes: