Nube iO - Rubix Wires: String Nodes

Rubix Wires: String Nodes

This article describes the Rubix Wires nodes that are in the String category.


The `String` category contains nodes that are used for manipulating string data.


This node joins multiple input strings into a single output string.


  1. [string 1] - String input value 1.
  2. [string 2] - String input value 2.
  3. [string x] - x-th string input value.  Where x is any subsequent string input set from the node settings.


  1. output - String output of all input strings joined in order.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Inputs count - Configures the number of string inputs.
  3. string 1/string 2/string x... - Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.


This node takes string inputs and concatenates/joins them to produce a string 'output'.  The number of inputs can be modified from settings. `output` is a string of all string inputs joined together in order. 


This node outputs the number of characters in the string input value.


  1. input - String input value.


  1. output - Number of characters in `input` string.  Spaces are included in the character count.


  1. Name - Name of the node.


output' is the number of characters in the string 'input' value.


This node searches for a substring within a main `input` string.  The node outputs the index of the first matching substring location in the main `input` string. 


  1. [input] - String value to be searched (main string).
  2. [searchFor] - Substring to be searched for in the `input` string.


  1. startIndex - Numeric index of the first character of the first occurance of the `searchFor` substring within the `input` string.  Value will be `null` if there is no matching substring in the `input` string.  The first character of the `input` string is index 0.
  2. endIndex - Numeric index of the last character of the first occurance of `searchFor` substring within the `input` string.  Value will be `null` if there is no matching substring in the `input` string.  The first character of the `input` string is index 0.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Input Value - String `input` value.  Set from settings as a fallback from wired input value.
  3. Search For Value - String `searchFor` value.  Set from settings as a fallback from wired input value.


This node takes string 'input' and 'searchFor'.  Numeric 'startIndex' is the index (position) of the first character  of the first instance of `searchFor` string within `input`.  Numeric `endIndex` is the index (position) of the last character of the first instance of `searchFor` string within `input`.  Index of 0 is the beginning of the 'input' string.  'startIndex' and `endIndex` will be `null` if the `searchFor` string is not a substring of `input` string.   Search is case sensative.


This node splits an `input` string into substrings using a `separator` string to split up the `input` string.  The node outputs the substrings in order as triggered by boolean `start` and `next` inputs.


  1. input - String value to be split up by the `separator` string.
  2. separator - String/character value that the`input` string will be split up by.  This string/character will not be included in the `output` substrings.  Space is a valid `separator` value.
  3. start - Boolean input used to trigger the first substring to be sent to `output`.  On `false` to `true` transition `output` value will be the first substring of the `input` string, separated by the `separator` string. 
  4. next - Boolean input used to trigger the next substring to be sent to `output`.  On `false` to `true` transition `output` value will be the next substring of the `input` string, separated by the `separator` string. 


  1. output - String output value.  The value update/change is triggered by `start` and `next` boolean inputs `false` to `true` transitions.
  2. left - Number of substrings in the `input` string (separated by `separator` string) that have not yet been sent to `output`.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Separator Value - Character/string value of `seperator`.  Set from settings as a fallback from wired input value.


Portions of the string ‘input’ are sent to the string ‘output’ sequentially when ‘next’ transitions from ‘false’ to ‘true’; these ‘output’ strings are portions of the ‘input’ string split by the string ‘separator’ value.  ‘left’ outputs the number of ‘output’ strings remaining to be sent.  When ‘start’ transitions from ‘false’ to ‘true’, the ‘output’ string will go back to the first substring of the ‘input’ string.


This node transform an `input` string to an all uppercase, all lowercase, or first character capitalized `output` string. 


  1. input - String input value.


  1. output - String output value.  `input` string converted to all Upper case 


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Select Case - Drop-down for case selection.  Select from `Lower Case`, `Upper Case`, or `First Character to Upper Case`.   


output' is the 'input' string with all characters changed to either upper case, lower case, or first letter of each word capitalized.  Case change type can be selected from settings. 

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