Nube iO - Rubix Wires: Point Nodes

Rubix Wires: Point Nodes

This article describes the Rubix Wires nodes that are in the Point category.  


The `Point` category contains nodes that produce constant or variable data; there are nodes for each Rubix Wires data type.


This node outputs a fixed boolean value.  The output value is set from settings.


This node has no inputs.


  1. output - Boolean output value (set from settings).


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Payload - Set the boolean output value here.


The node outputs a fixed boolean than can be configured from the Settings options under `Payload`.  The available outputs are `true`, `false`, and `null`.


This node outputs a fixed numeric value, which can be an integer or decimal.  The output value is set from settings.


This node has no inputs.


  1. output - Numeric output value (set from settings).


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Value - Set the numeric output value here.


The node outputs a fixed numeric that can be configured from the settings options under `Value`.  The available output can be an integer or a decimal.  If no value is set, the node outputs `null`.


This node outputs a fixed string value.  The output value is set from settings.


This node has no inputs.


  1. output - String output value (set from settings).


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Value - Set the string output value here.


The node outputs a fixed string value that can be configured from the settings options under `Value`. The available output can be a string, or if no value is set, can be null.


This node is used to produce and check JSON strings.  


  1. [value] - JSON string input value.


  1. output - JSON String output value.  Output will be the last valid JSON String, or `null` (depends on the `Send null if not a match` setting).
  2. valid-json - Boolean output value indicating whether the input JSON String is a valid JSON.
  3. msg - Node status message (string).


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. JSON Value - Set the JSON String output value here.
  3. Send `null` if not a match - When enabled, the `output` value will be `null` when the JSON `value` is invalid.  When disabled, the `output` value will be the last valid JSON String.


The node outputs a valid JSON string, or `null`.  When a `value` is a valid JSON `valid-json` is `true` otherwise it is `false`.  When `Send `null` if not a match` setting is enabled, the `output` value will be `null` when the JSON `value` is invalid.   When `Send `null` if not a match` setting is disabled, the `output` value will be the last valid JSON String.


This node outputs a boolean value based on a 16 level priority array.   The highest priority (lowest `in #` ) that is not `null` will be the output value.


  1. [in 1] - Priority 1 input, this is the highest priority.
  2. [in 2] - Priority 2 input, this is the second highest priority.
  3. [in x] - x-th priority input.  Where x is any subsequent input set from the node settings.


  1. out - Boolean output value, the highest priority boolean that isn't `null`.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Inputs Count - Configures the number of inputs.
  3. in 1/in 2/in x... - Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.


The node outputs the highest priority non `null` boolean value.  The highest priority input is the lowest numbered input (ie. `in 2` is higher priority than `in 7`).  Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.  


This node outputs a numeric value based on a 16 level priority array.    The highest priority (lowest `in #` ) that is not `null` will be the output value.


  1. [in 1] - Priority 1 input, this is the highest priority.
  2. [in 2] - Priority 2 input, this is the second highest priority.
  3. [in x] - x-th priority input.  Where x is any subsequent input set from the node settings.


  1. out - Numeric output value, the highest priority numeric that isn't `null`.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Inputs count - Configures the number of inputs.
  3. in 1/in 2/in x... - Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.


The node outputs the highest priority non `null` numeric value.  The highest priority input is the lowest numbered input (ie. `in 2` is higher priority than `in 7`).  Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.  


This node outputs a string value based on a 16 level priority array.    The highest priority (lowest `in #` ) that is not `null` will be the output value.


  1. [in 1] - Priority 1 input, this is the highest priority.
  2. [in 2] - Priority 2 input, this is the second highest priority.
  3. [in x] - x-th priority input.  Where x is any subsequent input set from the node settings.


  1. out - String output value, the highest priority string that isn't `null`.


  1. Name - Name of the node.
  2. Inputs count - Configures the number of inputs.
  3. in 1/in 2/in x... - Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.


The node outputs the highest priority non `null` string value.  The highest priority input is the lowest numbered input (ie. `in 2` is higher priority than `in 7`).  Input values can be set from settings as a fallback from wired input values.  

Related Articles:

  1. Rubix Wires: Node Reference Guide

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