This node extracts properties/values from JSON data by string key/identifier. A node output is created for each key/identifier.
- input - JSON input data.
- error - String error message.
- json-output - JSON output of parsed `input` JSON. This will be '{}' (an empty JSON) if the `input` JSON is not valid.
- 1 | - Output value corresponding to the first configured JSON key/identifier. Output value can by any data type.
- 2 | - Output value corresponding to the second configured JSON key/identifier. Output value can by any data type.
- # | - Output value corresponding to the #th configured JSON key/identifier. Where # is any subsequent output added from the node settings. Output value can by any data type.
- Name - Name of the node.
- Number of outputs - Configures the number of outputs.
- Output 1/ Output 2/ Output 3 - Key/identifier setting for each output. If no identifier is found within JSON `input`, `null` will be output.
Data is extracted from `input` JSON corresponding to configured key/identifier. An output is created for each configured key/identifier. If no matching key/identifier is found within JSON `input` data, the corresponding key/identifier output will be `null`. Output values can by any data type.